After about a month of constant travel, I am back in Boise. Permanently. Well, as permanent as I get, which means I'll be in and out of town every other week or so. I need a constant stream of adventures to keep myself entertained and sane. Hence my August looking like this: moving out of Fort Collins, going to Cheyenne for a night to see family, driving up to Billings for a weekend, driving back to Boise, leaving a day later for backpacking with Paul, leaving two days after that for a family adventure to Olympic Nat'l Park, and then leaving a few days after that to help move Paul into his new dorm up in Moscow. So if I have been unresponsive to texts, phone calls, emails, whatever, that is why. I am still digesting this summer and what the hell has been going on for the last year. When you don't allow yourself to stay in a place for any longer than three months, you start to become geographically and emotionally detached from pretty much everything. I am just starting to realize that I will be living in Boise for the longest period of time since high school...weird.
My habit of never staying in one place for very long has had one nasty side effect: my room in Boise becoming full of unwanted shit. I mean, lots and lots of SHIT. Examples: a painted ceramic dragon, X-wing Lego set, jester hat, cheesehead, oversized sweatshirts that I never have and never will wear, pounds and pounds of dust, a wire art project from 7th grade, tons of old bank statements, and to top it off, enough T-shirts to clothe a small village. I filled a TV box with my old crap and gave it away to the Women's and Children's Shelter; I still have to go through the storage unit that is housing all of my OTHER shit. This is what I get for showing up in Boise, dumping things that I 'might use someday' or 'but those were my cleats from junior season of high school...' or 'I can't handle the thought of someone else wearing my ugly as sin ODP sweatshirt, I am just too emotionally attached to all of those awful memories of ODP camp ingrained within its over-sized folds of fabric.' and then leaving again, only to reappear a few months later and repeat the process. I have been constantly employing those stupid excuses we all use that allow us to hold on to way more useless material crap than we will ever need. Over the past year I have learned that I don't need any more than what I can cram into my small Mazda, and I probably need even less than that. Always room for improvement. Cleaning out my room has actually been enjoyable and I feel like I can function much better now without the ghosts of my past staring at me, saying 'We're useless and covered in dust, but you still love us...right?'
Anyway, I am currently trying to find a job. I would say where I've applied, but then I would get none of those potentially awesome jobs and would end up somewhere like Correction Connections or making bricks or something else horribly mindless. So I am keeping my mouth shut.
Also, I started a blog for my Peace Corps service. I am fully aware I haven't left yet, but the process has already started. I am wading through the medical review process right now and that is a fucking process. Here's the link:
That is all.
New Home
10 years ago