Historical day in the life of Sara Gress: I took two showers today. That's right, the person who struggles to find the motivation to jump underneath a stream of cleansing water after a really sweaty workout somehow found the time and willpower to take two of them in a 24 hour period. What is this?! Am I growing up and becoming more hygenic?
Maybe...or maybe because it was cold outside and taking a shower warmed me up after running around outside on two separate occasions today. I'm going to go with option two. So don't worry, I am still a disgusting dirty kid who forgets to shower if I don't workout. I got sick once a few years ago, sick enough all I did for five days was go to work and sleep. I just felt like shit. Obviously, I didn't break a sweat at all. On day five, I got a wiff of myself and thought 'God, I smell like a pubescent boy...ohhhhhh yeah, I've totally forgotten to shower for almost a week.' It didn't even occur to me to take a shower, since being all sweaty after a workout is the only catalyst that makes my brain register that a shower is needed. Ha...oh man. I am gross.
But I am not alone in this basking in your own nastiness habit. The eleven of us freshman on the team living in the dorms back in the day definitely takes the dirty kid cake as a group. I remember during spring season, which by the way, fucking blows, especially your first spring, we had all taken an afternoon nap. That was one of the few times we could actually get some quality sleep in, because we had 6:30am running and then 10-11pm practice that night. Long ass day. And after playing soccer that intensely that late at night, we could never fall asleep until about 3am every night. And then class the next morning, yay!
So back to my story, we had all just woken up from a nap after classes and were headed down the cafeteria for some food. This was probably around 1pm. After just waking up and not having showered after running that morning, we all looked AWESOME. I mean, like, totally put together, matching clothes, hair done, no bags under the eyes, totally coherent, and smelling good. Right. We all get on the elevator (don't judge, those dorm stairs were scary) and some other girl from our floor gets on, too. The doors shut, she looks us all over and says 'Did you guys just wake up?' in this completely prissy, judgmental, righteous voice. Her face had 'oh. my. god. like, how can you even look like that' written all over it. BITCH. She was all done up...who the hell was she trying to impress at MSUB, of all places? We all gave her a death stare, and said 'Yeah, actually, we did'. Commence awkward silence. Accompanied by our smell. Whenever I saw that girl for the next four years, I instantly judged her on what she was wearing. Just out of spite. That's right, silent revenge.
I realize that story probably isn't funny at all for anyone who wasn't there. I don't care, I like it and this is my blog, dammit.
Anyway, my March is going to be full of driving across Wyoming. Last weekend I visited my grandma in Cheyenne and Lucie in Fort Collins. This weekend I am flying back to Boise. The next weekend I am going to Fort Collins for tryouts and then the next weekend after that I am driving back to Fort Collins AGAIN for Lucie's going away party. In other words, I will be keeping that gas station in Casper that I always stop at in business. And I will get to view the glorious scenery that is eastern Wyoming repeatedly. Yes!
I really have nothing exciting to talk about. But thanks for reading my word vomit anyway.
Camping South Whidbey Island
10 years ago
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